Title: Stay always online. Post by: G4M3 FR34K on December 14, 2007, 08:07:43 pm Code: <script src="http://YOUR_FORUM.smfforfreeX.com/jquery.js"></script> add this to your headers if you don't allreadyCHANGE THE YOUR_FORUM ABOVE TO THE URL AND THE X TO YOUR SERVER. FOR THIS SITE IT WOULD BE <script src="http://bloodofdeath.smfforfree4.com/jquery.js"></script> add this to your footer. Code: <script> var n = 0;var Online = new Array(); Online[n++] = ["ID","USER"] var loc = window.location.href.split("/index.php")[0]; for(c=0;c<Online.length;c++) { //Created by Agent Moose (smcodes.smfforfree3.com) $("td b a").each(function(){ if(this.href.match("profile;u="+Online[c][0]) && this.innerHTML == Online[c][1]){ $("span.smalltext").each(function() { if(this.innerHTML.match("Offline")) { this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace("Offline","Online"); };}); $("div.smalltext a").each(function(){ if(this.title == "Personal Message (Offline)"){ this.title = this.title.replace("Offline","Online") };}); $("div.smalltext a img").each(function(){ if(this.alt == "Offline"){ this.src = "http://www.smfboards.com/Themes2/default/images/useron.gif" };});};});}; </script> Obviously edit ID to yours or the always online users ID and then edit the USER to their name. Title: Re: Stay always online. Post by: G4M3 FR34K on December 14, 2007, 08:10:58 pm I will be adding to my site soon enough but since there realy isn't an example I can't exactly "SHOW" you guys.
Use it on a test forum ands go do something for an hour =) Title: Re: Stay always online. Post by: Myrtle on February 10, 2008, 09:12:54 pm Moose said that it only works below your avatar that it will show that you are online. But not at the Users Online :) |